Online Resources

Pre-class Intro to this Course:  Mozart and the Classical Era 

Online Music:  Claudio ArrauMozart: The Complete Piano Sonatas / Adagio, Rondos & Fantasies  (8 hours)  (audio)

Online Music:  Murray Perahia - Mozart: 25 Piano Concertos  (Nos. 3 & 5 are missing)  (audio)


  Ken Hoffman's Classical Music Website

  A complete list of Mozart's compositions  (on Wikipedia)

  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  (Wikipedia article)

  Mozart Biographies

  Mozart's Mature Piano Output

  Terms and the forms in the Classical Era

  Musical Genres and Forms in the Classical Era

  Analysis of many Mozart Symphonies and other works on YouTube

  Other Classical Era Composers - with a Full List 

Notes:  Musical notation in various languages (especially English vs. German)

Notes:   Music Tempo Markings

  Instrumental Music Forms in the Classical Era

  Mozart's Compositional Method

  Article:  Mozart's Sketches

  The Classical Era of Classical Music 

  Top 100 Piano Concertos of All Time

  Important Piano Composers of the 18th Century

  List of Classical Era Composers   

  List of Composition by Joseph Haydn

  Video:  From the clavichord to the modern piano  (part 1) (part 2)  total = 16 minutes

  Style Galant

  empfindsam (sensitive) style

  List of Important Opera Composers

  Top 50 Operas of All Time

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