Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major  (1786)

     Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major (K. 488)  (1786)  Ranking: #2

     This concerto was composed while Mozart was composing The Marriage of Figaro.  The 
      concerto is scored for piano solo and an orchestra consisting of one flute, two clarinets
      two bassoons, two horns and strings.  It is Mozart's second concerto to use clarinets 
      instead of oboes.

                      Vladimir Horowitz, piano.  The Orchestra of La Scala, Carlo Maria Giulini, cond.

                                   I.  Allegro in A major and 4/4  (10:15)

                                               It has the typical double exposition concerto sonata form  (the orchestra plays 
                                               the themes the first time through, the piano plays them with the orchestra the 
                                                second time through).

                                                In this concerto the orchestra plays two themes in the same key (A), then the 
                                                piano plays the two themes in two different keys with the orchestra.  Mozart 
                                                uses modulations and chromatics in the second exhibition to build tension.

                                                The piano also elaborates greatly on the two themes. 

                                    4:05 -  Suddenly, after the second theme, the orchestra plays a third theme (highly 
                                                unusual).  It is the third theme that will be used for the development section 
                                                as multiple keys are traversed.
                                    4:30  -  Development section

                                     5:40 -  In the recapitulation, the orchestra plays theme 1, the piano joins in.

                                     6:30 -  The piano starts theme 2, the orchestra joins in. 
                                     8:20 -  The orchestra plays theme 3.
                                      8:32 -  Cadenza and coda

                                 II.  Adagio in F♯ minor and 6/8 time or (in later eds, Andante)  (3:15 - cut)

                                       One of the four major key sonatas to have a minor key slow middle movement.    

                       Daniil Trifonov, piano, cond.  Israel Camerata Orchestra

                                 III.  Allegro assai in A major and alla breve (in later eds, Presto), rondo form  (8:00)

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