Rondo No. 3 Full Structure

      Four the five rondo sections, the first and last A, but not the middle A, and the B and C episodes 
      all have inbedded ternary forms. The 2nd, middle A section is just the A.A piece of the other A 
      section ternary subforms.

      "A" is in A minor (the key of the piece),  "B" is in F major,  and "C" is in A major.  It is in 6/8 time.... 

    A.   Rhondo A.1.A    -    the 30 second A minor main theme of the whole ronda.  
                                            It will reoccur 5 times throughout the rondo).

           Rhondo  A.1.B    -      00:30   major key section 

           Rhondo  A.1.A    -      01:18   the main A minor theme


    B.    Rhondo    01:46
                                (Chromatic pasage back to A)


    A.    Rhondo  A.1.A   -   04:09   the main A minor theme

    C.    Rhondo  C.1.A   -    04:35
                                (Chromatic pasage back to A)

     A.   Rhondo  A.1.A   -    06:54  the main A minor theme

           .....  Remainder of the movement

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