Week 1 - Review

Classicism is reasonable, rational, logical, orderly, with clarity of form and an explicate appeal 
to the intellect (instead of to the emotions).   It stresses design, balance & proportion, restraint, 
stability, calmness, happiness, confidence, optimism, and a simple, civilized, elegance.  

Mozart use of major and minor keys:

      Of Mozart's 37 symphonies, 35 are in major keys; two are in minor keys (Nos. 25 and No 40, 
both in G minor).

      Of Mozart's 18 piano sonatas, 16 are in major keys, and only one of those has a minor key middle 
movement (No. 2).  The two minor key sonatas (Nos. 8 and 14) have major key middle movements.  
(That means that of the 54 piano sonata movements, 49 are in major keys and 5 are in minor keys).

       Of Mozart's 23 "mature" piano concertos (Nos. 5 through 27) only two (Nos. 20 and 24) 
are in minor keys (and both have major key middle movements).  Of the 21 major key "mature" 
concertos, only 4 have minor key middle movements.  (That means that of the 69 piano concerto 
movements, only eight movements are in minor keys).

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